Ms. Cisneros first love and passion is translated in Art.
This includes the following as her many forms of expression of art.
CIFO | Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation
Established in Miami in 2002, the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO). The mission of the foundation is to foster the understanding and appreciation of contemporary art and artists from
Latin America through grants, commissions, exhibitions, and bilingual publications. CIFO´s three primary initiatives: Grants
and Commissions Programs for visual artists from Latin America, an exhibitions program internationally showcasing works
from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection and foundation-initiated support for other arts and culture projects.
During the foundation’s 18-year history, CIFO has produced a number of U.S. exhibitions in Miami, Los Angeles, New York,
and Boston as well as internationally in Palma de Mallorca, Spain; Bonn, Germany; Zurich, Switzerland; Cuenca and Quito
Ecuador; Havana, Cuba; Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; and Lima, Peru.
Under the Grants and Commissions program, CIFO has assisted artists from Latin America to fulfill their aspirations in
attaining recognition in the global community.
The foundation has collaborated with multiple institutions around the world including the Coleccion Mercantil in
Venezuela, the Wallach Gallery of Columbia University, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston amongst others, in Miami,
has worked with the New World School of the Arts and the art-in-residence program, Cannonball, the Fox Museum,
University of Miami. In addition, the foundation has published a number of collection catalogues stemming from these
collaborations. In 2011, CIFO expanded it´s presence in the global art community by opening CIFO Europa in Madrid. Ms.
Fontanals-Cisneros further expanded her efforts.
EFC Collection (Personal Collection)
Previous Exhibitions
- An Emphasis on Resistance
- Under Construction. Latin America Narratives in the CIFO Collection
- SinCrónicas. Horizons of Peruvian Contemporary Art from the Collecting Perspective
- Plural Domains: Selected Works from the CIFO Collection
- Construções Sensíveis: The Latin-American Geometric Experience in the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros collection
- Strategic Immersions: First Stop
- "Gustavo Pérez Monzón: Tramas" - Cuernavaca, Mexico
- Triángulo: Loló Soldevilla, Sandu Darie and Carmen Herrera
- Adiós Utopia: Dreams and Deceptions in Cuban Art Since1950
- 2017 Grants & Commissions Program Exhibition
- Construções Sensíveis: The Latin-American Geometric Experience in the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros collection
- Liquid Sensibilities
- Toda percepción es una interpretación: YOU ARE PART OF IT
- Gustavo Pérez Monzón: Tramas
- Intersections (after Lautréamont)
- Impulse, Reason, Sense, Conflict.
- Forms of Classification: Alternative Knowledge and Contemporary Art Jump Cuts
- Fleeting Imaginaries
- Miquel Navarro: City Methaphors
- Tomás Saraceno/ Jarbas Lopes
- Beyond Delirious
- Indeterminate States
- Alexander Apóstol: Savage Modern │ Magdalena Fernández: Surfaces
- DEFINING Experiments
- Perspectives
- Positions in Context
- Fortunate Objects
- Interrogating Systems
- The Prisoner's Dilemma
Miami Art Central (MAC)
In 2003 Ms. Fontanals Cisneros founded Miami Art Central (MAC), a Kunstallen, which brought important international art
exhibits to Miami which included video art from the Centre Pompidou, Reina Sofia, and a solo show of South African artist
William Kentridge.
In 2012, Ms. Fontanals-Cisneros presented her first book of a selection of works of her personal collection, Pulses of
Abstraction in Latin America, an analysis of one of the most dynamic and vital movements of Latin America.
During the last twenty years Ms. Cisneros has published several books on exhibitions and her collection.
In 2017, CIFO published two important books focusing on what the foundation has accomplished within their first 15
years of continuous work and a special publication on the exhibition, Adios Utopia (Goodbye Utopia), an exhibition on
Cuban Art from 1950’s to 2014 which has traveled from the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston to The Walker Art Center.
Art Boards
Ms. Cisneros previous and current art board memberships through out her career.
- Spanish Institute of NYC
- Art Basel Foundation
- Miami Art Museum
- CIFO | Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation